Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of trees and shrubs do you sell?
We work with trusted local nurseries to provide the best plants for your area. For a list of what we offer, contact us!
How should I care for newly-installed trees/shrubs?
Every plant is different, and we’ll give you instructions on how to care for your new greenery!
Do you warranty trees and shrubs that you have planted?
Yes, as long as the proper care instructions have been followed, we warranty your trees and shrubs for one year after installation.
What are the oldest and youngest trees/shrubs you’ll plant?
We can plant trees that have been growing for years at the nursery if you prefer larger trees, or, we can plant smaller, young trees or shrubs for you to grow in your own soil. To learn more about what kind of trees/shrubs to plant on your property, contact us!
What type of trees/shrubs grow best in Southern Alberta?
There are a lot of varieties that grow well in our climate, but for trees we recommend aspens, ash, pine, poplars and willows, and for shrubs we recommend: lilac and saskatoon.